Thank you for your dedication to the Alpha Delta Phi! All donations will go towards the Alpha Delta Phi Foundation and are tax deductible.
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Pacific Northwest Alumni of Alpha Delta Phi ("PNWAADP")
The PNWAADP is a Washington non-profit corporation that owns and manages the property and facilities rented by the undergraduate members of the Washington Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. The Board of Directors of the PNWAADP is elected by the living alumni of the Washington Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi. The Board is responsible for general oversight and policy making, and for the recruitment and appointment of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer. In addition to its property management functions, the PNWAADP traditionally organizes a number of alumni events, publishes and disseminates newsletters, email updates and other organizational communications, maintains a website, and facilitates networking and mentoring by and among alumni and undergraduate Alpha Delts.
In terms of priorities, capital improvements to our property and facilities funded through the PNWAADP are the greatest need of the Washington Chapter of Alpha Delta Phi at the present time.
The Board encourages engagement with the undergraduate chapter for any alumni with a story or career path to share. Please contact me at the email address below if you are interested in helping with a special project, hosting a post-dinner career path presentation, or just coming over for a long overdue visit to the Temple.
PNWAADP Board Members
President: Mike Derr ‘84 (
At-Large Members: Bob Gilbert ‘81, J. P. Furber ‘84, Chris Clarke ‘89, Zach Williams ‘16, David Gilluly ‘16, Wade Foley ‘95, Howard Strickler ‘63
Alpha Delta Phi Foundation ("ADP Foundation")
Founded in 1969, the Alpha Delta Phi Foundation is a Washington non-profit corporation organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is operated for charitable, scientific, literary and education purposes. The ADP Foundation operates in collaboration with, but maintains separation and independence from, PNWAADP.
The ADP Foundation seeks to structure its programs in support of Alpha Delta Phi's purpose, namely, a lifelong commitment to the development of the whole man. Further, it supports Alpha Delta Phi's core values, namely, brotherhood, service, leadership and sacrifice. Since 2008, the ADP Foundation established and now funds the most generous scholarship program of any fraternity or sorority established at the University of Washington, which program incents and rewards individual and group academic and leadership achievements. Eligibility to be awarded scholarships under such program is not limited exclusively to members of Alpha Delta Phi.
In addition to its scholarship programs, the ADP Foundation traditionally organizes a number of alumni events, publishes and disseminates newsletters, email updates and other organizational communications, maintains a website, and facilitates networking and mentoring by and among alumni and undergraduate Alpha Delts.
Double or Even Triple Your Gift. A number of companies offer corporate matching gift programs where they match charitable gift donations made by their employees to 501(c)(3) organizations. When you make a donation to the ADP Foundation, your employer may match a percentage of your donation up to 100 percent (or sometimes more!) Employees of Microsoft, Bank of America and other leading companies have successfully these programs to leverage their individual donations to the ADP Foundation, and we encourage you to see if your employer will do the same.