If you are the parent of a current, new, or potential member of the Alpha Delta Phi Washington Chapter, you are in the right place! Check below for some important dates throughout the year and information about us. Please contact us if you have any questions!
PC22 at our annual Mom’s Day Dance
Important Dates:
September 8th, 2024––Freshmen move in
November 2nd, 2024––Dad’s Day (USC Game)
April 11th, 2025––Bubble Bash Dinner and Auction, exact date coming soon, see philanthropy page for more info
May––Mom’s Day, exact date coming soon
May 16th, 2025––Eells Cup Golf Tournament, exact date coming soon
This past quarter we posted a 3.61 house average GPA with 60% of our member’s on the Dean’s List––the third highest among UW Fraternities. We have a wide array of majors including Business, Engineering, Political Science, Computer Science, Pre-Med, History, and more.
Students are set up to succeed from day one. All new members are given an academic mentor, an upperclassmen with a similar academic path––especially helpful for those that are applying into their major. Within the house, we have 3 dedicated study rooms and the house is a 5 minute walk from the library.
We are leaders on campus when it comes to giving back to our community. All proceeds that we raise throughout the year benefit Stanley Stamm Summer Camp––a summer camp hosted by Seattle Children’s Hospital that allows all kids to go to summer camp, regardless of their medical needs. 30% of hospital volunteers are male, and our volunteering efforts both aim to fill that gap and build strong men.
Undergraduates have the opportunity to get involved in many ways. We host in participate in many fun philanthropy events within the greek system––such as sports tournaments, quesadilla feeds, and fashion shows. We also have started a volunteering program where our undergrads have the chance to volunteer directly in the Children’s Hospital Playroom every other week––which normally takes months to get off the waitlist. A handful of our undergrads will volunteer directly as counselors at Stanley Stamm for the week as well.
This past year, we were recognized by UW’s IFC and Alpha Delta Phi’s International Organization for Excellence in Philanthropy, as well as featured in Seattle Children’s Hospital’s Guild Magazine as one of their biggest guilds.
Learn more about what we do and how you can help on our Philanthropy Page!
Career Opportunities:
Ensuring successful careers is another priority of our house. We regularly have alumni workshops where alumni will come and give resume advice and interview prep. Additionally, we have a strong alumni mentorship program where alumni are matched to undergrads who are interested in similar career paths. Here are some of our undergrads who killed it this past summer:
Niko Carste (‘25): DK Metcalf’s (Seahawks WR) Creative Director, NFL Films Freelance Cinematographer
PK Ritzmann (‘26): Strategy Consultant at Bain & Co, Founder of HOPE Coffee
Mateus Mullen (‘25): Intern for Office of Representative Dan Newhouse in Washington DC
Ishan Sinha (‘26): Software Developer Engineer Intern at Amazon
Sumukh Gowda (‘25): Commercial and Investment Banking Intern at Wells Fargo
Corin Singh (‘26): Sports Licensing Intern at BDA Sports Management
Isaac Smith (‘25): Healthcare Consulting Intern at Mercer
Parik Kukreja (‘27): Engineering Intern at Armoire